欢迎来到7 Villawood! 在这里,我们致力于为我们的客户提供一种美妙的体验,保证愉悦和满足。我们所有的女孩全部是在美丽,稳重和成熟的基础上选出的。用众所周知的一流的服务和她们的热情为客户提供一次难忘的经历! 全新豪华装修,请君来体验一把皇帝般的享受. 中日韩港台新马泰澳歐洲各色佳丽任您挑选,也可为您上门出钟服务。 交通便捷车位充足环境豪华私密。每一位佳丽皆各具特色,温柔似水,热情如火,妖娆妩媚,小家碧玉。更有新下海的羞涩斯文小美女等您品尝。 给我们一个服务您的机会,我们回报您一次至尊奢华享受。 电话: (02) 8747 4717 地址: 16/7 Birmingham Ave, Villawood NSW 2163 网站: http://7villawood.com/ Welcome to Eden at Villawood. Brand new management with over 20 yearsexperience in the industry. we offer a large variety of beautiful internationalgirls from around the globe including classic local Aussie babes. With very elegant neat rooms/split system Aircon/complimentarybeverages, we want your experience to be as comfortable as possible. We offer 15 discreet car spaces for ultimate privacy. Come in and bookone of our gorgeous girls that cater to all your needs, whether it is a gfexperience /a foot fetish/porn star service/or some hard core dominatrics. ..we have a girl to suit you best.